Sabato 15 settembre finalmente, dopo anni che mi promettevo di
andare, mi sono decisa e, dopo scuola, ho raggiunto il Padova Vintage
Festival. Fortunatamente niente fila, visto che non erano neanche le 3 e
subito siamo state accolte (io e le mie blade accompagnatrici) in un
enorme salone: al piano terra erano esposti gli oggetti in vendita e al
primo piano vi era una mostra e un workshopsul makeup.
the 15th of september finally, after a wait lasted 2 years, i decided to
go, after school, at Padova Vintage Festival. Luckily we didn't wait in
line cause it still wasn't the 3 p.m so we've been welcomed (my
adventurous friends and me) in an enormous exhibition: on the ground
floor there were shown goods for sale and on the first floor there was
an exhibit and a makeup workshop.
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La TimeLab, la scuola che proponeva il corso, ha fatto una piccola dimostrazione su come realizzare facilmente anche a casa i due makeup più in "voga" ai tempi del cinema muto e della bella Marilyn Monroe, la quale fece girare la testa a tutti gli uomini con la sua epica apparizione nel film "Quando la moglie va in vacanza" indossando il famoso abito bianco.
Alla prima modella la makeup artist realizzò uno smokey eyes con un nero opaco abbinandolo a un lipstick color vinaccia e alla seconda applicò un ombretto turchese per poi tracciarvici sopra una perfetta linea di eyeliner.
Sebbene i 2 trucchi proposti non fossero nulla di elaborato, sono soddisfatta dell'esperienza poichè ho passato un'ora piacevole.
What can i say about the workshop... well, i literally loved it! It happened by chance that we reached the workshop room but we immediately decided to join in.
The TimeLab, the school which proposed the course, made a little demonstration to realize in a easy way the most wanted makeup at the time of the silent films and when the lovely Marilyn Monroe made men's heads spin with her epic appearence in the movie "The Seven Year Itch" wearing the famous white dress.
On the first model, the makeup artist painted a smokey eyes using a black matte eyeshadow matching it with a red-purple lipstick and on the second model she applied a turquoise eyeshadow and then she drew a perfect line with a liquid eyeliner.
Although the 2 makeup proposed weren't so elaborate, i'm satisfated because i spent a delightful hour.
(I don't own the last picture, all rights are reserved to Veronica Zerbetto©, If you are the owner of this picture or you're present in the photo and want it removed,contact me and I will delete the photo as soon as possible,no drama! )
That looks so cool! What an awesome festival. I wanna goooo! :)
ReplyDeleteOh yes, it was really beautiful :)