Yesterday I finally did my last high school oral exam *yay* and I'm so happy to be able to start holidays and chill out a bit because during the past months my school schedule has been really intense and I was really anxious and nervous all the time, but I can't help to feel a little sad because I know that I won't see anymore my classmates, at least not everyday.
Anyway I want to keep a positive mindset and I have to say that I'm really grateful for this journey, during these 5 years of high school I met wonderful people, I did so many experiences and I learnt a lot of things. I still don't know what my future has in store for me, I would love to take a gap year and move to UK, but this choice doesn't concern only me. But I feel open to any possibility, my only concern now is to find something that makes me happy and employ my time because, I don't know about you, but I always wait for vacations and, when they arrive, then I get so bored and this happens especially during summer holidays, sometimes I think that 3 months are way too much *forever unsatisfied*.
Anyway now that I'm a full-time stay-at-home(Is this a thing? This word actually exists?), I will totally dedicate more time to the blog and photography because the past months I has been pretty lazy and my content has been intermittent. Time to go guys, things to do (chilling in the garden with an icecream is a consistent part of my summer routine), but it has been nice talking to you. See you later, xx.
Have a nice week