#OOTD: Fall is in the air

Sweatshirt: Xetra
 Jeans: Zara
Heeled Boots: unknown

Quick post about the outfit that I wore today.
Here, in Italy, weather is not so agradable so why not show off some fall stuff?
Hope you are spending an amazing time, see you soon!

Have a nice day

This entry was posted on Monday, 25 August 2014 and is filed under ,. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

6 Responses to “#OOTD: Fall is in the air”

  1. Lovely blog and a great post. You look stunning.
    Shall we follow each other? GFC/BLoglovin/G+? Leave a comment when you follow and i'll follow you right back.

    1. Thanks, you are too kind. :)
      Sure, we can follow each other, I will leave a comment on your blog asap!

      Have a nice day. xx

  2. Amazing sweatshirt, I like it! :)

    Would you like to follow each other? Let me know ;)

    Autumn in Neverland

    1. Thank you dear! :)
      Sure, we can follow each other, I left a comment on your blog!

      Have a nice day. xx
