January Wishlist

January Wishlist

Hello ladies, finally this term is over so i can chill out a little and dedicate my life to sales.
I wait them all the year long and finally when they start i'm always swamped with homework and exams.
Last week i bought something (i will show my purchases in the next post) and i still need something:

Black Chelsea Ankle Boots: I saw them in Asos's site and i need them, i want them. They seems really comfy even though the heel(8 cm/ 3") and for this reason they are perfect for school or work.

Skater Skirt: They can be used during the winter time or summer time so they are the best investment. The problem is that i want a green one but i can't find it. I'll keep my finger crossed!

White Tank: You can wear that with everything, why i shouldn't buy it?

Concert Ticket: My bestfriend and I want to buy concert tickets and spend two days in Turin this summer, i'm so excited and i can't wait! Hope to buy the tickets next week.

What about you? What do you want to buy this month? Let me know in a comment down below.

This entry was posted on Friday, 24 January 2014 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

4 Responses to “January Wishlist”

  1. I think I would have the same list as you :D

    1. Ahah thank you dear! :)

      Have a nice day. x

  2. All these things are amazing! I love it ♥
    Ticket on the one direction *-* omg my dream xx

    1. Yep i hope to buy them, by the way thanks for the comment :)

      Have a nice day. x
