Christmas Edition 2013: Last-minute nativity scene

Nativity scene

Pick up your best christmas CDs and play them all day long! Finally holidays are really near and there is nothing better than decorate home while you are listening to happy songs.
Unfortunately this year i'm unable to do a big nativity scene but i don't give up so... i create a smaller version.
You only need a box, pieces of bark, little statues, acrylic paint, brushes and, of course, glue.
 This is the fastest and easier diy ever. Let's do it!

1. Paint the box, inside and outside, with a dark brown.
2. Attach the pieces of bark and the statues with the glue.
3. Let the glue dry.

Do this diy over a journal or a sheet of paper cause the glue or the paint can trickle on the table.

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