Lush Review: Pink Bath Bomb

Last week, i was rummaging in my brother's old drawer and i found this little, lovely ball, which it was probably buried there for various years.
If you don't know, this is a Bath Bomb by Lush,  which is a cosmetics company which sell fresh and handmade products.
Although the smell was vanished, the compactness and the capacity of the ball held over.
Finally yesterday i have the opportunity of trying it and this is the result:

Frugando in un vecchio cassetto di mio fratello, la settimana scorsa ho trovato questa piccola meraviglia sepolta lì probabilmente da svariati anni.
Per chi non lo sapesse si tratta di una ballistica della Lush, la quale è una compagnia di cosmetici che vende prodotti freschi e fatti a mano.
Sebbene il profumo fosse leggermente svanito, la consistenza e le capacità della ballistica persistevano.
Finalmente ieri ho avuto modo di provarla ed ecco il risultato:

The bath was filled with pink water and lots of fluffy suds which made skin softer and slightly rose-scented.
This is literally the best way to conclude a stressful week!


L'acqua era tinta di un rosa fantastico e la vasca era sommersa da una soffice schiuma, la quale rese la pelle più morbida e leggermente profumata di rose.
Questo è letteralmente il modo migliore per concludere una settimana stressante!

This entry was posted on Friday, 27 September 2013 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

2 Responses to “Lush Review: Pink Bath Bomb”

  1. LOVE this post:) your blog makes me smile everytime.

    Check out my new post...cute stylish designer furniture:)

    Have a fab day dear

    LOVE Maria at inredningsvis - inredning it's, Swedish for decor :)

    1. Oh you are so nice! Thank you ♡
      I left a comment on your new post :)

      Have a nice day!
